The SpaceX Starphone service launched the first satellite link

Technology company SpaceX has launched the first satellite for Starlink phone service.


Malik HS

1/8/20241 min read

The SpaceX Starphone service launched the first satellite link

California: (Web Desk) Technology company SpaceX has launched the first satellite for Starlink phone service.

This satellite will connect users to the Internet in space even if they cannot connect to mobile towers on Earth. Starlink's direct-to-cell service will send voice, text and data connectivity directly from space to the user's phone. will provide when they are in a 'dead zone' i.e. a location where communication through a mobile tower will not be possible. Due to partnerships with phone carriers in the US, standard 4G LTE smartphones will be able to connect to the new StarLink network without any additional hardware or software, according to StarLink's website for direct-to-cell capabilities. With Starlink satellites it will be possible to send messages, call and browse from anywhere in the world. The website further stated that Direct-to-Cell can work in existing LTE phones anywhere the sky can be seen. No hardware, firmware or any special app will be required for uninterrupted internet access. In 2024, the service will provide text only facility while call and data facilities will be introduced in 2025.