The court decision has come regarding the premature release of the culprits of the Bilqis Banu gang rape case

The Supreme Court of India has annulled the early release of 11 convicts who were sentenced to life imprisonment for the gang-rape of a 5-month pregnant woman Balqis Bano and the murder of her family during the Muslim riots in Gujarat


Malik HS

1/8/20241 min read

The court decision has come regarding the premature release of the culprits of the Bilqis Banu gang rape case
The Supreme Court of India has annulled the early release of 11 convicts who were sentenced to life imprisonment for the gang-rape of a 5-month pregnant woman Balqis Bano and the murder of her family during the Muslim riots in Gujarat. gave
According to the report of a foreign news agency, at the request of Muslim woman Bilqis Bano in the gang rape case, the Supreme Court has ordered 11 criminals to go to Gujarat jail and surrender themselves to the police within two weeks.
During the 2002 Gujarat Muslim riots, the criminals gang-raped a five-month-old pregnant woman, Bilquis Bano, and killed her three-year-old daughter, who was clinging to her, on the ground.

The attackers also killed 14 people out of which 9 were relatives of Bilqis Bano.
It should be noted that this attack was carried out when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat and due to these riots, he became known worldwide as the Butcher of Gujarat.
In early 2008, 11 convicts were sentenced to life imprisonment in the case of gang rape and murder of 14 others. was filed.
Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister at the time of the Gujarat Muslim riots, has now become the Prime Minister of the country. Due to his blessings, the plea of ​​a convict in a gang rape case was accepted.
On the request, the Gujarat government released all the criminals last year on India's Independence Day i.e. August 15.
Bilqis Bano filed an appeal against the release of these criminals.
Today the Supreme Court annulled the release of these criminals and ordered them to be imprisoned again. The judgment said that the Gujarat government has no power to reduce the punishment of these criminals.