Sun safety for children: Offer tips for parents on protecting their children from sunburns and establishing healthy sun protection habits from a young age.

Here are some particular pointers for parents to make sure their kids are safe in the sun


Malik HS

2/20/20241 min read

toddler's walking on the seashore with adult
toddler's walking on the seashore with adult

Sun safety for children: Offer tips for parents on protecting their children from sunburns and establishing healthy sun protection habits from a young age.

Here are some particular pointers for parents to make sure their kids are safe in the sun:

1. Use sunscreen:

Cover your child's exposed skin, especially their face, ears, neck, and any other areas not covered by clothes, with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Every two hours, or more frequently if you're sweating or swimming, reapply.

2. Cover up:

To offer extra sun protection, dress your youngster in airy, long-sleeved shirts, slacks, and wide-brimmed hats.

3. Seek shade:

Encourage your kids to play outside in the shade, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its hottest.

4. Reduce outdoor activities:

When the sun's UV rays aren't as strong, schedule outdoor activities for early morning or late afternoon.

5. Protective eyewear:

Make sure your kids are wearing sunglasses that block UV radiation to safeguard their eyes.

6. Set a good example:

Take precautions against the sun by being one yourself. If their parents practice sun safety, children are more likely to follow suit.

7. Educate about sun safety:

Instruct your kids about the value of protecting themselves from the sun and the correct way to apply sunscreen. Include it in their everyday schedule.

8. Remain hydrated:

Remind your kids to stay hydrated, especially when they're outside enjoying the sun.

9. Avoid indoor tanning.

As indoor tanning beds raise the risk of skin cancer, especially in young people, it is advised to avoid using them.

10. frequent skin checks:

Check your child's skin on a frequent basis for any changes in moles or abnormalities, and see a dermatologist if you see anything that seems off.

Parents can help shield their kids from the damaging effects of sun exposure and teach lifelong sun safety behaviors by implementing these tips.