Low carbohydrate diets can cause weight gain

Low carbohydrate diets can cause weight gain



12/31/20231 min read

plate of food
plate of food

Low carbohydrate diets can cause weight gain

Dieters have long believed that low-carb intake is essential for weight loss, but one study found that not all low-carb diets lead to weight loss. Some foods even cause weight gain. Harvard researchers studied data from more than 123,300 people from three different health databases.

In the study, participants followed one of five low-carb diets and had their body mass index (BMI) and weight loss measured every four years over 20 years.

The study found no significant difference in weight loss even though participants followed an overall low-carb diet (as long as they reduced their intake of meat, eggs, and dairy products). While some people have also gained weight.

People who followed a low-carb diet but continued to eat unhealthy carbs and animal protein gained weight during the study period. Over a four-year period, people who ate unhealthy foods gained an average of 0.9 kg. A group of participants also gained about 2.25 kg in weight. It was observed that participants on a low-carb diet based on plant-based foods and whole-grain carbohydrates lost weight. Research published in JAMA found that participants had diets that included healthy low-carb foods, plant-based proteins (like legumes, peanuts and chickpeas) and healthy fats. strong (like fish, pears and eggs). was the person who lost the most weight during the study period and maintained that weight.