Israeli army attacked Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, more than 600 patients and staff were missing

The series of Israeli brutality in Gaza could not stop, there is fear of the martyrdom of many patients and staff members in the drone attack on al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza.


Malik HS

1/8/20244 min read

Israeli army attacked Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, more than 600 patients and staff were missing

Gaza: (Web Desk) The series of Israeli atrocities in Gaza continues, with many patients and staff martyred in an Israeli military drone attack on Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Bala, central Gaza. There is a fear. More than 600 patients and staff missing at Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital

Gaza: (Web Desk) The series of Israeli brutality in Gaza could not stop, there is fear of the martyrdom of many patients and staff members in the drone attack on al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza.

According to media reports, the Palestinian Ministry of Health has confirmed the death of 8 Palestinians so far in the Israeli attack in Deir ul-Balah, while the World Health Organization has expressed fear that more than 600 patients and medical staff are missing. In a statement released on the social media website X, the World Health Organization said that more than 600 patients and medical staff are still missing after the Israeli attack on al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, Gaza. There is no information. According to the statement, the World Health Organization has had to cancel its visit to hospitals in northern Gaza for the fourth time since December 26 due to Israel's continuous bombardment of Gaza. The World Health Organization said that in order to continue working in 5 hospitals, including Al-Awda Hospital and the Central Store of Medicines in Gaza, a visit was scheduled to provide medicines and other relief items on an emergency basis, but Israel refused to stop the bombing and the staff. Your trip may be canceled due to lack of safety guarantees. According to the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), massive bombardment, travel restrictions and communication disruptions in Gaza have made it nearly impossible for us to deliver medicines. Meanwhile, in Gaza, two more Palestinian journalists, including the son of Al Jazeera's director, were killed in Israeli airstrikes. I was injured.

On the other hand, a series of retaliatory operations by Palestinian resistance groups are continuing in response to Israel's attacks. The Quds Force, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, attacked Israel with rockets. They launched a rocket. According to Israeli media, sirens were heard in several border areas of Israel. Additionally, Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan told a news conference that Israel had destroyed Palestinian historical heritage in the Gaza Strip and had demolished more than 200 mosques, churches, museums and old houses in the Gaza Strip. According to the Hamas spokesman, Israel wants to destroy the Palestinian culture by destroying the historical heritage in Gaza. Since October 7, 329 Palestinians have been martyred in the attacks of the Israeli army and illegal extremist Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army has also admitted that the military base has been damaged by Hizbullah attacks, the Israeli Mount Meron base was heavily damaged in Hizbullah's rocket attacks yesterday, and Hizbullah's anti-tank missiles and rockets hit the base. Destroyed the radar system of the military base. It should be noted that the war started by Israel on October 7 in the Gaza Strip has entered the fourth month today and so far the number of Palestinians martyred in Israeli attacks has exceeded 22 thousand, while the total number of injured people is also 58. The death toll exceeded 1,000, and most of the tortured and injured Palestinians were children and women.

According to media reports, the Palestinian Ministry of Health has confirmed the death of 8 Palestinians so far in the Israeli attack in Deir ul-Balah, while the World Health Organization has expressed fear that more than 600 patients and medical staff are missing. In a statement released on the social media website X, the World Health Organization said that more than 600 patients and medical staff are still missing after the Israeli attack on al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, Gaza. There is no information. According to the statement, the World Health Organization has had to cancel its visit to hospitals in northern Gaza for the fourth time since December 26 due to Israel's continuous bombardment of Gaza. The World Health Organization said that in order to continue working in 5 hospitals, including Al-Awda Hospital and the Central Store of Medicines in Gaza, a visit was scheduled to provide medicines and other relief items on an emergency basis, but Israel refused to stop the bombing and the staff. Your trip may be canceled due to lack of safety guarantees. According to the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), massive bombardment, travel restrictions and communication disruptions in Gaza have made it nearly impossible for us to deliver medicines. Meanwhile, in Gaza, two more Palestinian journalists, including the son of Al Jazeera's director, were killed in Israeli airstrikes. I was injured.

On the other hand, a series of retaliatory operations by Palestinian resistance groups are continuing in response to Israel's attacks. The Quds Force, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, attacked Israel with rockets. They launched a rocket. According to Israeli media, sirens were heard in several border areas of Israel. Additionally, Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan told a news conference that Israel had destroyed Palestinian historical heritage in the Gaza Strip and had demolished more than 200 mosques, churches, museums and old houses in the Gaza Strip. According to the Hamas spokesman, Israel wants to destroy the Palestinian culture by destroying the historical heritage in Gaza. Since October 7, 329 Palestinians have been martyred in the attacks of the Israeli army and illegal extremist Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army has also admitted that the military base has been damaged by Hizbullah attacks, the Israeli Mount Meron base was heavily damaged in Hizbullah's rocket attacks yesterday, and Hizbullah's anti-tank missiles and rockets hit the base. Destroyed the radar system of the military base. It should be noted that the war started by Israel on October 7 in the Gaza Strip has entered the fourth month today and so far the number of Palestinians martyred in Israeli attacks has exceeded 22 thousand, while the total number of injured people is also 58. The death toll exceeded 1,000, and most of the tortured and injured Palestinians were children and women.