Green Garlic: A guarantor of health and wellness in winter

Nature has created a variety of vegetables and fruits for human health and well-being all year round, to protect humans from harsh conditions and consequences so that humans can enjoy these benefits.


Malik HS

1/20/20241 min read

white and red onion rings
white and red onion rings

Green Garlic: A guarantor of health and wellness in winter

Nature has created a variety of vegetables and fruits for human health and well-being all year round, to protect humans from harsh conditions and consequences so that humans can enjoy these benefits.

A similar situation occurs in winter when many people suffer from colds, coughs, and other diseases.

But with the onset of winter, dried fruits and vegetables of good quality begin to appear on the markets.

Eating these vegetables is not only delicious, but it also helps fight seasonal diseases.

Green garlic is also one of the vegetables that can only be eaten in nature. What are the benefits of this vegetable and how can you store it at home all year round?

It has many medical benefits, some of which are explained here. Eating green garlic is very beneficial for chronic diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Along with normalizing blood pressure, green garlic also lowers bad cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels.

Green garlic contains a special type of sulfur known as allicin which boosts the immune system and gives the body strength to fight against seasonal diseases, it also contains minerals like polysulfide and magnesium which are good for the heart. They are also useful for health.

Green garlic is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and it provides relief from joint pain, organ inflammation, infection, respiratory diseases, etc.

Apart from this, green garlic also has antiseptic properties that prevent wounds from getting worse and are extremely helpful in healing them quickly.