China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC). Concept,importances, length,benefits relationships with agriculture and maps




China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC)

CPEC stands for China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor provides a framework for regional connectivity. CPEC will not only benefit China and Pakistan but will also have positive effects on Iran, Afghanistan, India, Central Asian Republics, and the region.

CPEC concept

Conceived in the 1990s, the first approach from China to Pakistan, linking China's western provinces to the Arabian Sea, took place in 1999. Gwadar Port was built in the mid-2000s and a number of memorandums of understanding have been signed since 2010. On April 20, 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the country and Pakistan and China agreed on a portfolio worth USD 46 billion under CPEC.

Importance of CPEC in the region

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is important for regional development. Potential areas for collaboration/development include:

  • Regional reference

  • transportation infrastructure

  • center of energy

  • Logistics base

  • trade

  • Regional peace and development

  • cultural harmony

  • Various investment options

  • industrial cooperation

  • financial support

  • agricultural cooperation

  • sightseeing

  • Affiliated faculty

  • Human resource development

  • health care

  • person-to-person contact

  • Increased livelihood opportunities

  • Improving regional safety and stability

CPEC corridor length

The Economic Corridor will run from Gwadar to Kashgar for a distance of about 3000 km.

How will CPEC benefit all regions of Pakistan?

China and Pakistan reached an agreement on the basis of "One Corridor, Multiple Sections", which aims to promote economic and social development of all regions of Pakistan and ensure efficient connectivity to Gwadar Port.

Relationship of CPEC with Agriculture

The Potohar region has 150 million hectares of barren and undeveloped land. The government developed and developed the land under the projects of the Ministry of Agriculture and CPEC, providing better ideas and beautiful landscapes to foreign and local investors. Invited to invest.

CPEC routes and maps

Railways Network Of CPEC

Highways Network Of CPEC

Fiber Optic Project Of CPEC

white van on road near brown mountain during daytime
white van on road near brown mountain during daytime