Advanced battery ready for continuous operation for 50 years

A Chinese startup has developed a revolutionary battery that can last 50 years without needing to be recharged or repaired. The battery was unveiled in Beijing.


Malik HS

1/18/20241 min read

Advanced battery ready for continuous operation for 50 years

A Chinese startup has developed a revolutionary battery that can last 50 years without needing to be recharged or repaired. The battery was unveiled in Beijing.

Beijing-based Betavolt says its nuclear battery is the first miniaturized model of nuclear energy, smaller than a dime (15.5 x 15 mm) and containing 63 nuclear isotopes.

According to a report by a foreign news agency, the said company has claimed that its battery is the world's first nuclear battery that can be used for fifty years without charging, the battery has entered the test phase.

According to press reports, this battery could be mass-produced for commercial devices such as mobile phones and drones in the future. According to the company, this battery works in temperatures between minus 60 degrees Celsius and 120 degrees Celsius, and the nuclear cells are completely safe.

In addition, according to the Beta Volt company, no radiation comes out of the battery, while it combines 63 nuclear isotopes in a module smaller than a coin. According to news released by the company, this is a nuclear battery. Aerospace, artificial intelligence devices, medical devices, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and microrobots can meet the need for long-term energy sources. These new energy innovations will help China lead the new era of artificial intelligence technology revolution.