A simple recipe to get rid of hair loss

If you're worried about hair loss, there's a cheap and easy solution. This hair serum stops hair loss after a few weeks of use.


Malik HS

1/16/20241 min read

a person holding a hair brush in their hands
a person holding a hair brush in their hands

A simple recipe to get rid of hair loss

If you're worried about hair loss, there's a cheap and easy solution. This hair serum stops hair loss after a few weeks of use.

necessities essential

1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds

Scoop out the centers of 2 large green peppers.

½ cup white onion extract (strained)

Add a few drops of vinegar to the ginger juice (preferably Yaman vinegar).
Add 1 tablespoon of grated coconut to it.

Mix all this, take your homemade hair serum and you are ready to go. The smell of this serum may be unpleasant but don't worry.

Application mode

Apply this serum to your hair roots at any time of the day. Before use, wrap your hair with your fingers to promote blood circulation in the scalp, then pull lightly to ensure that the serum is well absorbed into the hair roots.
After applying the serum, wrap your head with a towel soaked in warm water and leave on for about 30 minutes, then rinse with water.
This method is simple and inexpensive but works just as well as an expensive serum.

Note. If you think your hair is falling out suddenly or in one spot due to medication or stress, consult a good dermatologist immediately. We can guide you. Additionally, no prescription or medication can replace the advice of a qualified physician.